The Ruckus 019: Hellboy II

15 07 2008

After receiving celebrity endorsements from both Ron Pearlman and his assistant, we felt obligated to do a Ruckus episode where we give a completely unbiased review on the most recent Hellboy movie. Listen in as Rachael and Justin discuss the finer points of what makes an action movie succesful and what’s the matter with George Lucas anyways? We also reveal our feelings on some of the upcoming summer blockbusters such as The Dark Knight and Quarantine. Oh and also we tell you in passing why Wanted was so horrible.

Episode nineteen’s musical interlude courtesy of Flotation Toy Warning:

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Talk to the Ruckus:
Ruckus to the Ruckus:

The Ruckus 015: Talk Sausage

28 05 2008

Welcome to Talk Sausage, the only online show that pretends to be a fm radio talk show. Join your sexy hosts Rocco and Daddy as they talk about all the dirty dirty stuff that would make your mother blush. Open up and let us stuff you full of our sausage. Talk Sausage! Talk Sausage is a radio show strictly for dudes. I’m not talking about sissy la-la dudes either. I’m talking about dudes that are so overtly masculine that they are obviously latently gay! You know who you are. Get ready for a little aural as The Ruckus turns into Talk Sausage!

This week’s musical guest is The Booze with their song, Hey Amy:

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The Ruckus 014: The Dark Labyrinth Mask

25 05 2008


You remind me of The Ruckus. The Ruckus? The Ruckus with the Rachael! The Rachael? The Rachael and Justin!
Journey down the Rabbit Hole, I mean the Labyrinth as Rachael and Justin explore the worlds of the Jim Henson fantasy collection. In today’s episode, team Ruckus explores the world of The Dark Crystal, Labyrinth and MirrorMask. Listen in and fondly relive your own exploration of the fantasy worlds of Jim Henson, Neil Gaimen, Dave McKean, and Brian Froud.

Today’s fantastical musical supplement(ical) provided by the whimsy musings of HUMANWINE:

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